7 Amazing Facts you should know about Zamzam well and Zamzam water | History of Zamzam

The Zamzam well is located in the Mosque in Mekka named Masjid - ul - Haram. This well is fully covered by govt. of Saudi, so peoples cannot visit or see this well of Zamzam water. According to some peoples, this well is 20m east of the holy Kaaba.

Zamzam well
Zamzam well

History of Zamzam water and Zamzam well 

The story behinds the Zamzam water is very amazing. Hazrat Ismail (A.S) was a child of prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and mother Hazar, which is the second wife of Hazrat Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) left his son Ismail and wife Hazar into the desert by order of Allah. This is a very tough exam of the Ibrahim by Allah to leave his loving child and wife into the desert.

He left them and walked away. The son of Hazar - Ismail feel very thirsty, so she was trying to find water, but she couldn't find it because the environment of  Mecca is very hot and having very few sources of water.

She ran seven times between the two hills Safa and Marwah looking for water. By getting the thirstier Ismail scrapped the land by feet and suddenly, water came out from the land. The flow of water was very fast. So Hazar said "Zamzam" which means "Stop moving". After that the well called Zamzam well and water called Zamzam water.

Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) rebuilt the Baitullah Sharif which is the house of Allah near the Zamzam well, building originally constructed by Prophet Adam (A.S) and is today called Kaaba, a structure towards every Muslim face during every Namaz and prayer. In other Islamic tradition, the heart of the prophet Mohammad was extracted from his body washed with Zamzam water and restored in its original position. After that, it was filled with love and faith. This Zamzam water is like a blessing into the dry desert. 

This well is associated with Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S), bibi Hijra, Ismail(A.S) and prophet Mohammad (S.A.W). This well is 35 meters deep. It is the miracally generated source of water by Allah many years ago.

Amazing Facts About Zamzam water

  1. Zamzam water doesn't get contaminated with the environment, even you can store this water for a very long period.

  1. According to one German scientist, and research it induces very high energy to human body cells. This water enhances the energy in the body cells.
  2.  This water is free of microorganisms like bacterias and fungi and you will surprise after knowing that Zamzam water is the purest water on the earth as it contains an adequate amount of bicarbonates.
  3. This water is alkaline in nature which neutralizes the acidity of the stomach. So it is very useful in acidity and heartburn; which is really amazing.
  4. Zamzam water is also used as eye - drops which brighten the eyesight and increase the beauty of the eye.

  1. According to some research, there is found that Zamzam water is also used to gain body weight. so it is also used to gain bodyweight.
  2. This Amazing liquid also used in increasing the platelets like lymphocytes, WBCs, RBCs and increase the immunity of the body.

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