how to contact Paytm customer care executive..? | Paytm custmer care numbers

If you want to contact Paytm customer care executive this is the right place for you. As You know Paytm mall gives good discount and cashback offers but on the other hand, it has the worst customer service. I will tell you how you can contact Paytm customer care executive.

For contacting the Paytm customer care executive you have mainly two options:
 1.Contact via messaging
 2.Contact via the call.

From messaging option, you can contact Paytm customer care executive, via messaging.

For Messaging you have to follow below steps:

  1. Login to your Paytm account.                                                                                                          
  2. Go to My Order section.                                                                                                                   
  3. Select your product.                                                                                                                         
  4. Click on the "Contact Us" Option.                                                                                                        
  5. Select your Problem.                                                                                                                              
  6. Select "Message Us" option.
Now, you will be able to Message to Paytm customer Care. They will respond you accordingly your problems.

For calling to the Paytm customer care executive, you have to dial 011 - 3377 - 6677 Number for Paytm mall shopping related problems.

If your call remains on hold, you have to wait until your call gets cut.
As I have experienced After a short time period, like in two to four hours one of the executives of Paytm will definitely call you.

You can also Mail to the Paytm on E-Mail:

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